Set up Jest for your TypeScript projects in under 5 minutes

Kyle Le
3 min readOct 16, 2022


If you are a programmer, you probably familiar with Unit Tests and Jest. Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity and works on React, Node, Vue or any project that has JavaScript or TypeScript.

Working in a company, code coverage is compulsory for most of the projects, like in my company, every merge request needs to have >60% code coverage on new code, otherwise It won’t be merge.

So setting up Jest to show code coverage is needed, but first, let’s install the necessary dependencies:

yarn add ts-jest typescript jest jest-environment-jsdom

After all dependencies installed, we initialize the jest config file with typescript supported:

yarn ts-jest config:init

The jest.config.js file will be created. Before we config jest, let’s look at my directory as an example TypeScript project:

And here’s the jest.config.js :

  • For the preset , we gonna use ts-jest
  • For the testEnvironment , we gonna use jsdom , because some files will have DOM manipulation so this environment will help us
  • The rootDir will be "./" , you can set the path that suits you
  • Then we will have to create a coverage folder.
  • We only collect coverage from TypeScript file, instead of all files ( because there will be json file or html file that we don’t want to collect those ), as you can see I even exclude constant.ts file because there aren’t anything to test from that file
  • For testPathIgnorePatterns , I ignore the node_modules , since this config is an array, you can pass multiple paths to ignore
  • For the testMatch , I match the tested files with their name and .spec.ts suffix

My jest.config.js file above is just an example, you can modify it to suit your project

Enough or the configuration, let’s create a jest script, put this into your package.json scripts

"test:jest": "jest --passWithNoTests --updateSnapshot --coverage"

There are 3 flags, the --passWithNoTests so the project will pass Jest if there are no tests, the --updateSnapshot so we won’t commit our snapshot to git, the --coverage so It will collect the coverage from the test. Then we run

yarn test:jest

After the script finished, you can see that the coverage folder has been created. In the folder the will be enough of coverage information for your project based on your configuration. Don’t forget to put the coverage folder to .gitignore

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Kyle Le
Kyle Le

Written by Kyle Le

I’m a Software Engineer who loves to write. My content is based on what I've learned and experienced every day

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